
This past weekend I headed North, very North, for Max and Jenelle's wedding. It was so amazing to be reunited with the crew for such a special night - celebrating two people that make each other really happy :). The wedding started at 3 pm, in the blazing Chico sun, and was full to the brim with heart-felt speeches, big smiles, drinks, the infamous El Paísa taco truck, and so many dance moves! I also got to allot practically a whole day to visiting with my sissy. My dad's side of the family is coming down for Thanksgiving but my sister has school (college!) so she's the only one I won't see again in a month. I love that girl. I'm currently in a coffee shop in Santa Monica, killing time before participating in a paid research study on meditation that my friend Elly told me about. I'm curious to see how it goes!

