My Week in Photos
Philly hotel views
Love me some subway fashion
A beautiful little lua at dusk while walking around my new neighborhood
Curry tilapia that I cooked last night - I will eat the leftovers today :)
Hotel bed heaven
Trying new fancy face cream. It has fragrance tho, not my fave
The mark of seasons changing - more subway fashion
Ni Mi Madre! a play I saw in the West Village with Leticia - I read an amazing review in The New Yorker and had to see it
Views in the West Village during golden hour right before the play started
Times Square area - Broadway plays are returning and there is lots of excitement and pretty displays
A friend kindly gifted me a tennis racket (I played for 1 year in high school and want to get back into it). I found a wall this week and spent a morning practicing. It felt good!
$4 Thrift store Filas
Roomie dinner - twas a feast!
Frida and Diego truck in Williamsburg
2:30 AM in my room
My first in-person in-studio dance class in ???? way too long (Afro-Haitian class)
Took the ferry to Governors island and watched some soccer on the pier on the way back
My second play of the week - Lackawana Blues - it was absolutely incredible