
Happy Halloween loves! These moody beach photos seem a bit fitting. I took these before dance class on Monday. The waves were particularly big and there was a huge crew of surfers close to Arpoador that were fun to watch. Yesterday was a bit sunnier and I spent a couple hours at the beach reading my book in the sunshine. I hope you all have a wonderful, spooky Halloween! 

Feliz dia das bruxas ama! Essas fotos mal-humoradas na praia parecem um pouco apropriadas. Eu levei estes antes da aula de dança na segunda-feira. As ondas eram particularmente grandes e havia uma enorme tripulação de surfistas perto do Arpoador que eram divertidos de assistir. Ontem foi um pouco mais ensolarado e passei algumas horas na praia lendo meu livro ao sol. Espero que todos tenham um Halloween maravilhoso e assustador!



July 4th

My friend Alli came all the way from North Hollywood to spend the fourth with me in Long Beach. We were originally going to head down to Laguna Beach, which is where she grew up, but her mom had house guests and there wasn't going to be room for us. Instead she came to me and it was so nice. She said she hadn't been to Long Beach since she was seven and didn't have good memories so she was pleasantly surprised. The day got off to a great start when she magically found a parking spot right in front of my apartment. Then we headed down to the beach where we walked, talked, and of course, people-watched. All that sunshine got us scheming about dinner and we ended up going to Saint & Second which was so delicious! The cocktails too! After that we headed back to my place and opened a bottle of wine and watched some of the fireworks on the roof before heading down to the beach again to dance around in the sand and see them a little closer. Such a nice day ... 

