
Boots - Forever 21 | Shorts - Zara | Blouse - Anine Bing

Hey babes! The last three weeks have been so eventful and the only way to properly document it would be to do a daily post - which I obviously didn't do - so I have no idea where to start right now. This is a special moment in my life, as all moments are haha, and I would really like to be either blogging or journaling daily so I have something to look back on. I feel like I've gotten very good at appreciating exactly where I am and being aware of each moment's importance in what comes next. However, I am not properly sinking my teeth into capturing it due solely to my lack of organization at the moment. I go through phases of extreme organization and extreme disorder and I am definitely amidst the later. I have so many things on my to-do list everyday that it seems like a big daunting mountain. So far I've been procrastinating until the very last second for all these tasks. I get them done, but with seconds to spare. I would like to be more organized so that Mariamma a month from now isn't STRESSED. I have no regrets about the amount of fun I have had heaped on my plate lately, but it's time to get rid of some of these little thought bubbles that are starting to make the fun feel a little less free. I have an amazing Catalina post coming your way so stay tuned for that. And wish me luck decluttering my physical and mental spaces! 



Pretty Little Bird

Hi loves! I have been in the mood to get rid of things lately and I think this romper is one of them! There are certain things in my closet that I never/rarely gravitate towards and others that I love so much I've worn them once ... which makes little sense. I'm making it a point to wear those items and I've found that, with the first category of garments, they are often ill-fitting and unflattering. I don't feel great in them. And this romper is one of them. I'm actually sitting at a coffee shop in it right now, wishing I was in something else haha. At least it's comfortable though! I went through a phase a long time ago where I got rid of anything that was even remotely small but then I started buying things that were too big for me. I feel like I'm finally balancing out and have become increasingly picky about fit and fabric content. I guess I'm growing up! I know and understand my body and what I look/feel good in and after making myself wear this romper today it's time to add it to the giveaway pile! And as for the items that I covet and never wear, I'm telling myself that it's time to put them on and flaunt them! There's no time like the present - as cliché as that is. And sometimes you need to wear them for a day to figure out which category they're really in.  

Cheers to shedding what you need to shed and savoring the good things!

Somehow this turned into a metaphor about life haha! 



July 4th

My friend Alli came all the way from North Hollywood to spend the fourth with me in Long Beach. We were originally going to head down to Laguna Beach, which is where she grew up, but her mom had house guests and there wasn't going to be room for us. Instead she came to me and it was so nice. She said she hadn't been to Long Beach since she was seven and didn't have good memories so she was pleasantly surprised. The day got off to a great start when she magically found a parking spot right in front of my apartment. Then we headed down to the beach where we walked, talked, and of course, people-watched. All that sunshine got us scheming about dinner and we ended up going to Saint & Second which was so delicious! The cocktails too! After that we headed back to my place and opened a bottle of wine and watched some of the fireworks on the roof before heading down to the beach again to dance around in the sand and see them a little closer. Such a nice day ... 



Good Days Only

Top - Free People | Jeans - Rollas | Sandals - Blowfish Malibu 

Hello hello! I just went to yoga for the first time in a couple weeks. I've been feeling a bit tight from going to the gym so I thought it would be a good idea to allot today to just stretching. I always bike to yoga and I lay it down next to me on the grass during class. I've had the thought that I could get too zen and someone could swipe it quickly so I lay my yoga mat case and my backpack over the frame. As I was walking my bike off the lawn after class today someone did actually try to steal someone's bike! After the owner started yelling that it was her bike a guy from yoga knocked a girl off the bike at the intersection and got the bike back. It was so crazy! The girl had a yoga mat but walked off quickly without it. What a silly decision! Yoga on the bluff is a free/donation based class so it just seems so strange to take a free class based on loving and nourishing yourself and then greedily try and steal someone's mode of transportation right afterwards. I was impressed with how quickly that guy sprung into action though. And I feel a bit sad for the girl who attempted the whole thing. 

Anyways :) I have tomorrow off and I'm happy about it. I've been scheduled with Tuesday & Thursdays off the last couple weeks and it's actually pretty nice. I never work more than four days in a row which feels really easy. 



Lace & Denim

Lace Top - Victoria's Secret | Denim Dress - Thrifted | Boots - Free People

Hey hey! I hope you're doing well! I've a had a really nice couple days off. It started off with a movie/wine night in the bathtub. This has become one of my (not so guilty) pleasures. It's been quite chilly considering summer is around the corner and sometimes I just crave to be warmed to the bones, which a bath provides! The wine and movie just make it that much nicer. I tend to overheat quickly too so the movie or show distracts me and allows me to stay in a bit longer. You should try it ;). I've been to the gym both days I had off too. I was so sore this morning from yesterday but I still went to a Butt/Belly/Thighs workout class this morning. I don't think it would have been very hard if I hadn't been SO sore. It felt good to move all that lactic acid through my system though and I rolled out my muscles a bit on a foam roller after class. Afterwards I went to get a smoothie. Did you guys know that Jamba Juice has a 'secret' menu? I thought I'd try one that was recommended called the "Red Gummy." It was a little too sweet for me but it did taste so much like a gummy bear! I'll probably stick with my favorite Peanut Butter Banana one ;). 




I just got off work and it's only noon! I have the whole rest of the day and I have a list running in my head of things I want to get done:

  • gym (I'm so sore that my boss said I was walking like a robot this morning - so I need to go move my muscles)
  • wash my hair (yes, that's making it to the list)
  • nap (I got off late last night and then worked at 6am this morning) 
  • read my new book (trying to stay on that!)
  • laundry (I have no clean workout clothes)
  • take out trash/recycling
  • cook the tofu curry that I have all the ingredients for (eggplant!)
  • clean (trying to clean for at least 30 min a day while being educated/entertained by a podcast - this way my apartment is always so fresh and so clean) 
  • take photos for the blog
  • get ready to go out with Francesca tonight! 

Wish me luck! 




Hey hey! I just got back from getting my nails fixed. I went over to my friend Linda's house after work and her dog jumped up on me and broke a nail haha. I came home to grab a jacket before I bike to dance class in 30 min. Even though I get to be active at work I have been feeling so antsy. I need to be exercising more! My long walks on the beach are lovely, but they're not satisfying my need to sweat! A new gym is opening up around the corner though so that may be a good option. I wish there were more dance studios in DTLB! 




Happy hump-day folks. I just had two lovely days off - a bit productive and a bit relaxing. I am about to go check out a michelada spot with my friend Ashley. One of the chefs at work told us that it is the best place in SoCal so we are going to investigate! These photos were taken last week on a little Saturday outing in the sunshine. This park is in-between Long Beach and Seal Beach and I decided to do some exploring. I had taken photos with a photographer there but I had only really seen the entrance. I was curious about how far back it went. In true SoCal fashion, it wasn't very large and was surrounded by fancy houses haha. I'm really craving a getaway into nature. I'll just wait for it to warm up a bit and then I'll scheme :). 


A Little Lush

Hey there beauties! I just got back from lunch at Seabirds with Meg, Sabrina, Carlos, Selena, and Garen. Today is Meg and Sabrina's last full day in Long Beach :( I may go to an art show with them tonight ... I just keep postponing the actual goodbye! The food at Seabirds is so good though and all vegan. They had these jackfruit nachos that pretty perfectly mimicked carnitas. Lucky me that it's so close! 

Happy Friday 


Valentine's Day

Top - Express | Shorts - Thrifted | Over-the-Knee Boots - Free People | Jacket - Thrifted

Photos by KDotPhotography 

Happy belated V-day you filthy animals! I know that a lot of people find this day cheesy af ... I'm one of them ... but at the same time, who cares?! Let's just all be cheese-balls and be down for a day that promotes showing appreciation for the ones you love! You don't have to do it with even one gift, just spend that time :). I had a lovely little evening in Hyland Park (first time there) going to an M. Ward show that gave me tingles at one point. It's fun to get a little dressed up and go be moved by some music. 

I hope you had a wonderful day then and are having a wonderful day now. 

Cheers to happy holidays that don't preside in December. 




Boa tarde my sweets! Today is my second day off and it has been a very productive 'weekend' on the home decor front. I had three big tasks to take care of: 1. repot SIX plants (some were new and some had outgrown their pots) 2. assemble my NEW COUCH (loveseat), and 3. repaint the frames of the four paintings I got at the flea market last month. I can check them all off my list! I'm just waiting for the frames to dry in the backyard right now. It was quite windy today and getting the newspaper to not blow away was a feat, as well as getting the spray to not just blow into the wind. I accidentally painted a little of my adidas slides because the wind was blowing my direction at one point. But if they're going to be any color, I'm happy they're a little gold! My plans for the rest of the evening are to go see a movie kind of late. I may be a bit sleepy for work tomorrow. 

contemplating a nap 



Velvet Top - Target | Jeans - Anine Bing | Booties - Circus by Sam Edelman | Necklace -

Hello! Happy Friday! I just got back home from the chiropractor. Anyone who knows me knows how much I crave my back cracked so the chiropractor is more of a treat than a chore. I sprained my neck a few days ago and it was still not feeling healed so I had an expert take a look. My whole neck has felt warm since I left the appointment ... maybe it got the blood flowing again! Anyways, tomorrow is the annual Women's March in DTLA and I am going with my friends Meg and Joeye. I didn't go last year and was a bit embarrassed about it so I requested the day off this year and made a plan to get myself there! With all the sexual harassment and assault cases that have been brought to light this past year, I feel that it's super important to show face and support other women! I'm bringing my old camera with me and am hoping for some great, inspiring photos to share here. Stay tuned. 



La Palma

Vintage Jacko Jeans - LB Flea Market | 90s Booties - Thrifted | Vintage Belt - Thrifted | White Tee - Hanes

This has been a lovely week! Before heading back to Las Vegas for Christmas, my friend Brittany threw an epic dinner party that turned into an all night dance-o-thon when we took it to Pine Street. My next morning at work wasn't pretty, but it was worth it ;). I had dinner with my friend Elly at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. It was both of our first times there and I am definitely a fan. We serve a gourmet version of the Southern classic at work but I've been antsy to try the original. It was nice to catch up and show her my place as well. My mom came into town a couple days ago and will be staying with me 'til Christmas, then we have a room booked for three nights at a fancy hotel across from the beach and I have all three days off to enjoy the stay-cation! Working for Marriott has some definite perks! I developed a bit of a cold today so I'm already daydreaming about the hot tub. 

Cheers to a lovely end to 2017, and hope on the horizon that 2018 will be the best one yet! 



Bel Air

Hoops - NY&Co | Nude Top - F21 | Skirt - Thrifted | Boots - Amazon 

Photos by Alli Nadine

I am trying so hard to blog more! I have all these ideas for posts floating around my head but I realize I should just get in the habit of posting, whether it's well-thought out or not. My goal really is to post once a day - so you can see I'm slacking. I don't want to put too much pressure on written content though. My focus is on the photos. I've been strangely tired this week however, which has stood in my way a bit. Other than going on a long bike ride along the coast, going out to dinner and drinks with some coworkers, and running some errands, I've primarily spent the week at home. Last night I fell asleep at 8 pm and I still woke up groggy. I've been cooking for myself a lot so I know that I'm not lacking nutrients. I'll just listen to my body I suppose. It sort of gives me no choice ;). Tonight my friend Victoria is coming over to check out my new place and eat dinner. I'm cooking a polenta and mushroom dish and have a fresh bottle of wine ready and waiting! I really love to cook, but I especially love cooking for others.



Gypsy Summer

Jacket - Zara | Swimsuit - Myra Swim | Choker - Lulus

Yup, a little sneak preview of the new place! I have been without internet this week (it's getting installed on Friday!) so I've been exploring the local coffee shop scene and renting movies to watch while I unpack. Today the maintenance guy fixed my closet bar so I can finally hang up my dresses. I now have two whole closets and I honestly don't know how I fit all these clothes in just one. I have SO many clothes and shoes. Not complaining but damn is it a bitch to move it all and reorganize! I've been traveling around all summer and living out of a suitcase so it's been like Xmas discovering all the things I've missed wearing and looking at. My place feels amazing. I think I am appreciative of what I have in a bigger and deeper way than ever before. Crazy how the universe just finds a way to teach you exactly what you need to understand.

Good omen update: when I was driving the Uhaul to my place for the first time, a monarch butterfly flew up the hood and then up the windshield. My family's Native culture believes that monarchs are a powerful sign of good luck, and I'd say so. I'm used to feeling lucky but these last few months put that in check a little bit. I think it's made me grateful for the good things rather than just expecting them. I didn't realize how entitled that expectation is/was until now. I'm glad for the lesson(s).

Gratefully yours, 


Fire & Ice

Ayyy bae bae. So much new! I moved into my own place this week and life is GOOD! I am living in downtown Long Beach, three blocks from work (a seven minute stroll), and three blocks from the beach! It has an amazing view and most my new coworkers live in the same hood too. I literally haven't driven and haven't needed to for the past three days. I can walk EVERYWHERE! I feel so so so grateful that this gypsy summer of mine is ending on such a high note. A space that is all mine and so fine. 

New life who dis?!

 It's Mariamma b*tches.

Slip of the Tongue

slip - thrifted | shirt - thrifted | shoes - kensie

Styled and shot by my fave: Olivia Bwalya

This week someone said to me that people in our lives are either blessings or lessons - and something in me hesitated when I heard it. I didn't understand why it didn't sit quite right with me until today, and the reason is that I feel that lessons are blessings as well. They suck a little harder than straight blessings, don't get me wrong, but they are something to be grateful for just the same. This summer has been transformative and growth is never easy. I am so looking forward to getting a second to catch my breath from all the obstacle hurtling. But you never know with life. I won't assume it'll let up anytime soon. I'll just enjoy the blessings as they come and do my best to listen to the omens.



Flea Market Finds

I'm a woman of my word! Here are photos of my 2 flea market finds. I know, not a ton of stuff, but quality over quantity ;). I have been wanting a good sized purple geode but they are often expensive or just not exactly what I'm looking for. I feel like it has to speak to me haha. It has to have good juju, and this one does. I love how it wraps around to the back and it's cut so it can lay in a lot of different ways. The earrings were only $4 and they hang really nicely and are very light. I definitely want to go back to the flea market. There are always such unique things! 



Flea Market

My friend Stevi was in town this weekend from New York City and I spent a very fun 24 hours with her and Carolina. On Sunday, the three of us explored the Long Beach Flea Market before an essential trip to In-N-Out. I'll show you the things I got at the market soon!

