Cowboy, Take Me Away

jeans - princess polly | top - vintage from my mamma | sneakers - new balance

Hi babes, I am in midtown Manhattan, about to walk a few blocks north to my first Afro-Brazilian dance class since before the pandemic. I have been trying to get to this class for about a month but have always been working Sundays. Today is my day! I was feeling a bit peckish so I went and grabbed a fancy turmeric latte from a cafe down the street. The scene is vibrant with everyone still in their halloween costumes from last night or newly dressed up for some festivities today. These photos were from a day I spent in Midland, Texas. I firmly believe that you can find beauty everywhere, and I love putting that to the test in some of these small, sleepy towns. I passed by this mural without my camera and made sure to come back and take full advantage of the backdrop. I’ve been seeing so many cowboy boots in NY lately and kind of wish I was rocking some in these photos, but maybe the blue city girl vibe is a nice contrast with the warm-toned, dusty cowboy vibe. Everything is as it’s supposed to be of course. I am kicking myself slightly however for getting rid of my cowgirl boots when I moved back to Brazil. I swear I regret whenever I get rid of clothes haha, unless they are ill-fitting or uncomfortable. Time to head to class!


Oi querida! Estou no centro de Manhattan, prestes a caminhar alguns quarteirões ao norte para minha primeira aula de dança afro-brasileira desde antes da pandemia. Estou tentando chegar a essa classe há cerca de um mês, mas sempre trabalhei aos domingos. Hoje é meu dia! Eu estava sentindo um pouco de fome, então fui e peguei um café com leite de açafrão chique em um café na rua. A cena é vibrante com todos ainda em suas fantasias de halloween da noite passada ou recém-vestidos para algumas festividades de hoje. Essas fotos são de um dia que passei em Midland, Texas. Acredito firmemente que você pode encontrar beleza em todos os lugares, e adoro colocar isso à prova em algumas dessas cidades pequenas e sonolentas. Passei por este mural sem minha câmera e fiz questão de voltar e aproveitar ao máximo o cenário. Tenho visto tantas botas de cowboy em NY ultimamente e meio que gostaria de estar usando algumas nessas fotos, mas talvez a vibração de garota da cidade azul seja um bom contraste com a vibração de cowboy em tons quentes e empoeirados. Tudo está como deveria ser, é claro. No entanto, estou me chutando um pouco por me livrar das minhas botas de cowgirl quando voltei para o Brasil. Juro que me arrependo sempre que me desfaço de roupas haha, a menos que caiam mal ou sejam desconfortáveis. É hora de ir para a aula!



Birthday Girl

Good afternoon! I am currently in Fort Myers, Florida and the humidity is real! I tried to take a photo of my hotel view and had to be quick because the lens was fogging up so fast! There is supposedly a mini waterpark at the hotel so my friend Colleen and I are about to go find it! The sunny weather is such a nice surprise because yesterday the weather said it was going to storm. These photos were taken on my birthday just last week in the absolutely wonderful city of Oporto! What a dream … 


Boa tarde! Eu estou atualmente em Fort Myers, Flórida e a umidade é real! Eu tentei tirar uma foto da minha visão do hotel e tive que ser rápido porque a lente estava embaçando tão rápido! Há supostamente um mini parque aquático no hotel, então meu amigo Colleen e eu estamos prestes a ir encontrá-lo! O tempo ensolarado é uma surpresa tão agradável porque ontem o tempo disse que ia invadir. Estas fotos foram tiradas no meu aniversário na semana passada na cidade absolutamente maravilhosa do Porto! Que sonho …



Golden Grove

Good morning babes! I left my purse at Jenelle’s place yesterday so I just biked over to get it and now I’m back at Naked Lounge waiting for my friend Caira. We’re having a little tea date in the park! Yesterday’s errands didn’t go quite as planned but I still got a lot done. I got a few things that I needed from Sephora, got some underwear from Victoria’s Secret, and then hit up the amazing summer sale at Forever 21. I definitely don’t need more clothes to bring but it’s perfect timing to shop for Rio because all the summer clothes are on sale this time of year! I got a red dress with little tie details on the arms and a white eyelet lace top. The dress was only $2 and it’s my favorite color! I couldn’t resist!! The last time I went to Brazil I packed so badly. I brought a bunch of things that I never ended up wearing … like bodycon dresses and six-inch heels haha. I never liked wearing those things but for some reason I thought I would there?? Rio is all cobblestone - so not so good for heels. Plus, wearing heels cuts down on one’s ability to partake in spontaneous adventures, and who wants that?! I feel like I used to buy clothes for an imaginary me and I’ve thankfully outgrown that. I’ve figured out what I like and what I feel best in and now I’m just coasting. The only problem is that this time I want to bring all these things I wish I’d brought last time and I don’t know if I’ll have room or how many suitcases to bring. One big one and two carry ons? One big, one medium, and two carry ons?? Is that excessive? Eek!

cheers to learning and living better and better

Bom dia babes! Eu deixei minha bolsa na casa de Jenelle ontem, então eu simplesmente pedi para ir e agora estou de volta ao Naked Lounge esperando pela minha amiga Caira. Estamos fazendo um cházinho no parque! Os recados de ontem não foram tão planejados, mas ainda tenho muito trabalho feito. Eu peguei algumas coisas que eu precisava da Sephora, peguei algumas roupas íntimas da Victoria's Secret, e depois acertei na incrível venda de verão na Forever 21. Eu definitivamente não preciso de mais roupas para trazer, mas é o momento perfeito para comprar o Rio porque todas as roupas de verão estão à venda nesta época do ano! Eu tenho um vestido vermelho com pequenos detalhes de gravata nos braços e uma blusa de renda branca. O vestido custava apenas 2 dólares e é a minha cor favorita! Eu não pude resistir !! A última vez que fui ao Brasil, fiz as malas. Eu trouxe um monte de coisas que eu nunca acabei usando ... como vestidos de bodycon e saltos de seis polegadas haha. Eu nunca gostei de usar essas coisas, mas por algum motivo eu pensei que iria lá ?? O Rio é todo empedrado - então não é tão bom para os saltos. Além disso, usar saltos reduz a capacidade de participar de aventuras espontâneas e quem quer isso ?! Eu sinto que eu costumava comprar roupas para mim imaginário e felizmente eu superei isso. Eu descobri o que eu gosto e o que eu sinto melhor e agora estou apenas indo embora. O único problema é que desta vez eu quero trazer todas essas coisas que eu gostaria de ter trazido da última vez e não sei se vou ter espaço ou quantas malas levar. Um grande e dois carrega? Um grande, um médio e dois carregamentos? Isso é excessivo? Eek!

aplausos para aprender e viver melhor e melhor



Jumpsuit - Vintage | Sunglasses - Ray Ban | Boots - Lucky Brand

Mission to the desert! I really love how these photos came out. My cousin Cheyanna took all of them. She has such a good eye! In actuality Joshua Tree was so windy. My jumpsuit matched the rocks and all but really we were just trying to find a large hill that would block some of the wind! I start to feel like I'm going crazy when I'm having to squint and my hair is being blown everywhere and car doors won't stay open and ... all worth the photos later haha. I went to they gym today after work at 6:30, forgetting that it closes at 7, so I didn't really get my yayas out. I have to wake up early for a long shift tomorrow so I'm off to bed! More photos from my trip to come!

smooches on smooches


Lace & Denim

Lace Top - Victoria's Secret | Denim Dress - Thrifted | Boots - Free People

Hey hey! I hope you're doing well! I've a had a really nice couple days off. It started off with a movie/wine night in the bathtub. This has become one of my (not so guilty) pleasures. It's been quite chilly considering summer is around the corner and sometimes I just crave to be warmed to the bones, which a bath provides! The wine and movie just make it that much nicer. I tend to overheat quickly too so the movie or show distracts me and allows me to stay in a bit longer. You should try it ;). I've been to the gym both days I had off too. I was so sore this morning from yesterday but I still went to a Butt/Belly/Thighs workout class this morning. I don't think it would have been very hard if I hadn't been SO sore. It felt good to move all that lactic acid through my system though and I rolled out my muscles a bit on a foam roller after class. Afterwards I went to get a smoothie. Did you guys know that Jamba Juice has a 'secret' menu? I thought I'd try one that was recommended called the "Red Gummy." It was a little too sweet for me but it did taste so much like a gummy bear! I'll probably stick with my favorite Peanut Butter Banana one ;). 



Bel Air

Hoops - NY&Co | Nude Top - F21 | Skirt - Thrifted | Boots - Amazon 

Photos by Alli Nadine

I am trying so hard to blog more! I have all these ideas for posts floating around my head but I realize I should just get in the habit of posting, whether it's well-thought out or not. My goal really is to post once a day - so you can see I'm slacking. I don't want to put too much pressure on written content though. My focus is on the photos. I've been strangely tired this week however, which has stood in my way a bit. Other than going on a long bike ride along the coast, going out to dinner and drinks with some coworkers, and running some errands, I've primarily spent the week at home. Last night I fell asleep at 8 pm and I still woke up groggy. I've been cooking for myself a lot so I know that I'm not lacking nutrients. I'll just listen to my body I suppose. It sort of gives me no choice ;). Tonight my friend Victoria is coming over to check out my new place and eat dinner. I'm cooking a polenta and mushroom dish and have a fresh bottle of wine ready and waiting! I really love to cook, but I especially love cooking for others.




Jacket - Vintage Armani | Jeans - Burlington | Booties - Free People 

My internet is up and running! I was planning on spending the day outside but it has turned into a very lounge-y day instead. It's still only 2 pm so there's still time ;). Its so nice to just relax at home though. The weather has gotten a bit cooler this week and the breeze that comes in through the window has me in a sweatshirt and slippers right now. There are palm trees outside my window, rustling and swaying in the gentle wind. I feel like I'd rather bundle up than close the window. I want to feel like I'm in the canopy. 




Time is beautiful, 

A figment of our imagination or not, 

It passes as it wishes, 

Fast then slow, through your wading fingertips

A burst of movement 

Right before a slow crawl


Time heals and that is beautiful, 

Slowly painting layers over once raw wounds

She lays glistening medicinal sap along your back

And your scrape is transformed 

You catch a glimpse of yourself - over your shoulder

Perhaps when you throw some salt over the left side

And it is gone, fresh skin, glowing and hopeful

Stronger too

Has taken its place in the destiny of your freckled skin

Mapped out before birth,

Each hiccup of melanin planned and carefully placed

By the decisive hand of The Universe


Time will tell where the map will take you, 

Which sun rays will have their way with you,

Where the wounds will be inflicted and how they'll heal 

But they will heal, 

Because time is beautiful and she is on your side

At your side

Fingers intertwined 

She has your back

And a forest full of tree sap

Oh Hi

Bodysuit - Gift / Jeans - Flea Market / Shoes - Circus by Sam Edelman 

Here it is, late/mid February and you haven't heard a peep out of me since December. It's been a crazy couple months - full of transitions and shifting of winds. I am headed to New Orleans this week for Mardi Gras so I'm pretty sure that will be my next post. Should be a good one ;). 

muito amor
