Street Style Stroll

Quite the Saturday! I bought a pair of tickets to the NYC Ballet off of Thomas and had to pick up the physical tickets from him Saturday morning. It was a nice excuse to meet up and take a stroll around the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens on what turned into a sharply sunny day (editing these photos was a battle against the shadows). I brought my camera (garden photos to follow) and then walked the 3 miles home on quiet streets where I just so happened to encounter all these lovely faces, & outfits! Thank you for saying yes! Folks were headed to brunch, on their way to friends, starting their days. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


Um lindo sábado! Eu comprei um par de ingressos para o NYC Ballet com Thomas e tive que pegar os ingressos físicos dele no sábado de manhã. Foi uma boa desculpa para nos encontrarmos e passear pelo Brooklyn Botanic Gardens no que se transformou em um dia de sol forte (editar essas fotos foi uma batalha contra as sombras). Eu trouxe minha câmera (fotos do jardim a seguir) e depois caminhei as 3 milhas para casa em ruas tranquilas, onde por acaso encontrei todos esses rostos adoráveis - e roupas! Obrigado por dizer sim! As pessoas estavam indo para o brunch, a caminho dos amigos, começando seus dias. Espero que todos tenham tido um fim de semana maravilhoso!



Maroon Tune

Hello sweet things! Today is rainy but, in true tropical form, I still have my desk fan running. I woke up early hoping to go for that walk around the Lagoa, but it was quite wet outside so I opted out. I made myself a big bowl of oatmeal and finished watching Outlander - a new show I’ve been loving. I should probably be finding some cool Brazilian shows to dive into. I am headed out soon for a little walk while the rain has subsided. I have been wanting to go to Gávea, the neighborhood I lived in the last time I was in Rio, but today might not be the best day for that. I caught sight of the little plaza the other day on my way somewhere else and I teared up a bit. I’d like to see what has changed and what hasn’t. One of the things I’d also like to visit is PUC, the university I attended. I want to go watch the monkeys that live on the property, but they’re probably hiding out with all this rain. I wish I had some proper rain shoes but my sneakers will have to do.

Olá coisas doces! Hoje é chuvoso, mas, na forma tropical, ainda tenho meu ventilador de mesa funcionando. Eu acordei cedo esperando ir para aquela caminhada ao redor da Lagoa, mas estava bastante molhado fora assim eu optei fora. Eu fiz uma grande tigela de aveia e terminei de assistir a Outlander - um novo show que eu tenho amado. Eu provavelmente deveria estar encontrando alguns shows brasileiros legais para mergulhar. Eu estou indo em breve para uma pequena caminhada enquanto a chuva diminuiu. Eu tenho vontade de ir para a Gávea, o bairro onde morei na última vez que estive no Rio, mas hoje pode não ser o melhor dia para isso. Eu avistei a pequena praça no outro dia a caminho de outro lugar e eu rasguei um pouco. Eu gostaria de ver o que mudou e o que não mudou. Uma das coisas que eu também gostaria de visitar é a PUC, a universidade que frequentei. Eu quero ir ver os macacos que vivem na propriedade, mas eles provavelmente estão se escondendo com toda essa chuva. Eu gostaria de ter alguns sapatos de chuva adequados, mas meus tênis terão que fazer.




Jumpsuit - Vintage | Sunglasses - Ray Ban | Boots - Lucky Brand

Mission to the desert! I really love how these photos came out. My cousin Cheyanna took all of them. She has such a good eye! In actuality Joshua Tree was so windy. My jumpsuit matched the rocks and all but really we were just trying to find a large hill that would block some of the wind! I start to feel like I'm going crazy when I'm having to squint and my hair is being blown everywhere and car doors won't stay open and ... all worth the photos later haha. I went to they gym today after work at 6:30, forgetting that it closes at 7, so I didn't really get my yayas out. I have to wake up early for a long shift tomorrow so I'm off to bed! More photos from my trip to come!

smooches on smooches


Glow Baby

This shirt was one of my steals from Carlos One Night Stand, one of my favorite vintage stores ever located in the Hip Strip in Missoula. I got the pants recently as well from TJ Maxx. A special thanks to the pond, the setting sun, and little Hazel for making these photos possible ;). 

sloppy smooch
