Blooming Desert

Hello my loves.

I am sitting pretty in my hotel room in Phoenix, getting ready to fly to head home to NYC. I had a nice, early morning. I did a little cardio at the gym, showered, took some photos, and then headed to a breakfast spot half a mile away. I got an omelette and potatoes and edited these pics. Everything is blooming here and the sun felt so nice on my walk … made me regret not buying the sunglasses I found at the thrift store yesterday. I won’t be getting back home til after midnight tonight so I’m hoping my early morning won’t make to too tired for the journey home. I hope you all are having a lovely Thursday!


Estou sentado no meu quarto de hotel em Phoenix, me preparando para voar para casa em Nova York. Eu tive um bom amanhecer. Fiz um pouco de cardio na academia, tomei banho, tirei algumas fotos e depois fui para um café da manhã a 800 metros de distância. Peguei uma omelete e batatas e editei essas fotos. Aqui está tudo florido e o sol estava tão gostoso na minha caminhada… me arrependi de não ter comprado os óculos de sol que encontrei ontem no brechó. Eu não vou voltar para casa até depois da meia-noite hoje à noite, então espero que minha manhã cedo não fique muito cansada para a viagem para casa. Espero que todos tenham uma linda quinta-feira!

a smooch on the cheek


Dolphin Sighting

These are photos from last week in Florida. As I was standing by the shallow bay water, I heard something in the water take a breath and caught a glimpse of a dolphin. It was all by itself, making its way back out to sea. I tried to run alongside it and capture it coming up for air, but it was too fast and stealthy. It was a good omen. A little treat.


Estas são fotos da semana passada na Flórida. Enquanto eu estava de pé junto à água rasa da baía, ouvi algo na água respirar e vislumbrei um golfinho. Estava sozinho, fazendo seu caminho de volta para o mar. Tentei correr ao lado dele e capturá-lo em busca de ar, mas era muito rápido e furtivo. Era um bom presságio. Um pequeno mimo.



Week in Snapshots

Some snapshots from the week … a good one in warm locations, but happy to be home … despite it being 12 degrees in NY today. It is chillyyy. I am having a weird morning. I missed my stop on the train and when I rerouted and got off on the right stop, I tripped going up the subway stairs. I had one hand in my pocket but managed to catch myself with the other. I teared up out of pure frustration and embarrassment. Then I got to the spa to check my schedule and no one has booked a facial all day so I didn’t even need to be rushing. Now I am at a coffee shop down the street, licking my wounds and trying to turn this day around. I am going to try and get myself taken off the schedule for tomorrow because I think I need some days to myself. I would like to film a thrift haul for y’all and have a nice day of editing at a coffee shop.

This weekend I got taken on a surprise excursion to The Summit in Manhattan. It’s on the 91st floor of the Vanderbilt building and starts with a room of mirrors with an incredible view of the city. I loved that it was indoors, unlike The Edge, which would have been unbearably cold this time of year. The following room has silver helium balloons that dance around the room. It was a wonderful time and a great surprise. And yesterday I finally got to see Sofia. She had been subleasing for a month while she found a permanent apartment … and lucky me that permanent apartment is less than I mile from mine! We had a piquant dinner at Nene’s Taqueria and then some cocktails at a lovely bar down the street named Palmetto. I will be revisiting both!


Algumas fotos da semana… uma boa em locais quentes, mas feliz por estar em casa… apesar de estar fazendo 12 graus em NY hoje. Está friooooo. Estou tendo uma manhã estranha. Perdi minha parada no trem e quando mudei de rota e desci na parada certa, tropecei subindo as escadas do metrô. Eu tinha uma mão no bolso, mas consegui me segurar com a outra. Eu chorei de pura frustração e vergonha. Então cheguei ao spa para verificar minha agenda e ninguém reservou um tratamento facial o dia todo, então nem precisei correr. Agora estou em um café na rua, lambendo minhas feridas e tentando mudar esse dia. Vou tentar me tirar da agenda para amanhã porque acho que preciso de alguns dias para mim. Eu gostaria de filmar um brechó para vocês e ter um bom dia de edição em um café.

Este fim de semana fui levado em uma excursão surpresa ao The Summit em Manhattan. Fica no 91º andar do prédio Vanderbilt e começa com uma sala de espelhos com uma vista incrível da cidade. Eu adorava que fosse dentro de casa, ao contrário do The Edge, que estaria insuportavelmente frio nesta época do ano. A sala seguinte tem balões de hélio prateados que dançam ao redor da sala. Foi um momento maravilhoso e uma grande surpresa. E ontem finalmente consegui ver Sofia. Ela estava sublocando há um mês enquanto encontrava um apartamento permanente... e sorte minha que o apartamento permanente fica a menos de um quilômetro do meu! Tivemos um jantar picante no Nene's Taqueria e depois alguns coquetéis em um bar adorável na rua chamado Palmetto. Vou revisitar ambos!



Sleepless Morning

I haven’t had a morning like this in a while, where I wake up far too early (4:30 am) with a long day ahead of me and I just can’t get back to sleep. I lay here for a while, in my king size bed in Phoenix, Arizona but sleep never summoned. I have now given up and thought I may as well make a blogpost with the photos from Fort Lauderdale yesterday. This is my first legit blogpost in a minute. This is the kind of post I picture for my blog … a mix of place and fashion. A post where I have enough photos that I like to paint a picture, to tell a little story. When I pictured blogging back in college, I imagined bringing my DSLR everywhere and posting every day, like so many of my favorite Swedish bloggers at the time. They were so good at illustrating their lives, which took consistency and care. I love seeing the world this way, full of beautiful moments. I don’t see it so much as a need to be present on the internet, but more so as a visual diary, and a prompt to continue to see the world as utterly gorgeous. Photography is almost like a spiritual tool for me when I really think about it. It prompts me to get outside, to explore, to play dress up, to find joy and extraordinary beauty in ‘ordinary’ days. I changed the lens on my camera back to the smaller kit one that it came with. It’s so much smaller, lighter, and more manageable to travel with for these short work trips, so I think I may take a stab at bringing it along more, being the kind of blogger I had hoped to be. These phones that capture are great, but it’s nothing like the quality of a DSLR. I find myself being more creative and inspired when I have my ‘big’ camera in-hand.

Now, time to hit the hotel gym. I’m hoping it gives me energy! I’m going to run on coffee today apparently.


Faz um tempo que não tenho uma manhã como esta, em que acordo muito cedo (4h30) com um longo dia pela frente e simplesmente não consigo voltar a dormir. Fiquei deitado aqui por um tempo, na minha cama king size em Phoenix, Arizona, mas o sono nunca me convocou. Agora desisti e pensei em fazer uma postagem no blog com as fotos de Fort Lauderdale ontem. Esta é a minha primeira postagem legítima em um blog há algum tempo. Esse é o tipo de postagem que eu imagino para o meu blog… uma mistura de lugar e moda. Um post onde tenho bastante fotos que gosto de pintar um quadro, de contar uma historinha. Quando imaginei um blog na faculdade, imaginei levar minha DSLR para todos os lugares e postar todos os dias, como muitos dos meus blogueiros suecos favoritos na época. Eles eram tão bons em ilustrar suas vidas, o que exigia consistência e cuidado. Adoro ver o mundo assim, cheio de belos momentos. Não vejo isso tanto como uma necessidade de estar presente na internet, mas mais como uma espécie de diário visual, e um aviso para continuar a ver o mundo como totalmente lindo. A fotografia é quase como uma ferramenta espiritual para mim, quando realmente penso a respeito. Isso me leva a sair, para explorar, para me fantasiar, para encontrar alegria e beleza extraordinária em dias "normais". Mudei a lente da minha câmera de volta para o kit menor que veio junto. É muito menor, mais leve e mais fácil de viajar nessas viagens curtas de trabalho, então acho que posso tentar trazê-lo mais, sendo o tipo de blogueiro que esperava ser. Esses telefones que capturam são ótimos, mas nada se compara à qualidade de uma DSLR. Eu me vejo sendo mais criativo e inspirado quando tenho minha 'grande' câmera em mãos.

Agora, é hora de ir à academia do hotel. Espero que isso me dê energia! Eu vou tomar café hoje, aparentemente.

beijão na boca


El Último Día

Hello loves. These photos are from the last evening in PV. I have been back for a couple days - had some lively days at the spa and learned how to use a bunch of our more high-tech machines - and now I’m off to Boston for a couple nights. My flight is a little delayed so I have about 45 minutes to chill. I was just sitting here typing and my friend Maddie walked right by and snagged me! So so nice to see her! I’m hoping to edit a vlog I filmed in México if I have some downtime over the next couple days … but just realized I didn’t bring my computer charger so I’m going to make this post short and sweet so I can preserve laptop battery for the next couple days haha. I hope you’re well!


Olá amores. Essas fotos são da última noite no PV. Estou de volta há alguns dias - tive alguns dias divertidos no spa e aprendi a usar um monte de nossas máquinas mais de alta tecnologia - e agora estou indo para Boston por algumas noites. Meu vôo está um pouco atrasado, então tenho cerca de 45 minutos para relaxar. Eu estava sentado aqui digitando e minha amiga Maddie passou direto e me agarrou! Tão bom vê-la! Espero editar um vlog que filmei no México se tiver algum tempo de inatividade nos próximos dias ... mas acabei de perceber que não trouxe o carregador do meu computador, então vou encurtar este post para preservar a bateria do laptop pelos próximos dias haha. Espero que você esteja bem!




Happy Friday! In the last 24 hours I’ve almost walked around the entire Lagoa. I ended up walking to Gávea after all and went to dinner at Delírio Tropical, my favorite restaurant in the area. It has this amazing quiche that tastes like pumpkin pie … sounds strange, but it’s SO good. I was so happy they still had it. I also walked around the mall to see what had changed and while I was strolling around the 2nd floor a man fell into the top of the escalator and the glass shattered. It made the craziest noice and everyone ran to see what had happened. Everyone was fine in the end, but it was quite a scare. It rained on my way home, but my new roommate Ana loaned me a nice big umbrella so I arrived back home unscathed :). This morning I went on a walk after breakfast in the opposite direction. Today is a holiday so there were lots of families having little outings along the way. I even got to see a little girl learn how to ride a bike. So cute. 

Feliz sexta-feira! Nas últimas 24 horas eu quase andei por toda a Lagoa. Acabei indo para a Gávea e fui jantar no Delírio Tropical, meu restaurante favorito na região. Tem esse quiche incrível que tem gosto de torta de abóbora ... soa estranho, mas é tão bom. Eu estava tão feliz que eles ainda tinham. Eu também caminhei ao redor do centro comercial para ver o que tinha mudado e enquanto eu estava passeando ao redor do 2º chão um homem caiu no topo da escada rolante e o vidro quebrou. Fez o barulho mais louco e todos correram para ver o que havia acontecido. Todos estavam bem no final, mas foi um susto. Choveu no meu caminho para casa, mas minha nova colega de quarto, Ana, me emprestou um grande guarda-chuva, então eu voltei para casa ilesa :). Esta manhã eu fui em uma caminhada depois do café da manhã na direção oposta. Hoje é um feriado assim havia muitas famílias que têm pequenos passeios ao longo do caminho. Eu até consegui ver uma menininha aprendendo a andar de bicicleta. Tão bonitinho.




Boots - Forever 21 | Shorts - Zara | Blouse - Anine Bing

Hey babes! The last three weeks have been so eventful and the only way to properly document it would be to do a daily post - which I obviously didn't do - so I have no idea where to start right now. This is a special moment in my life, as all moments are haha, and I would really like to be either blogging or journaling daily so I have something to look back on. I feel like I've gotten very good at appreciating exactly where I am and being aware of each moment's importance in what comes next. However, I am not properly sinking my teeth into capturing it due solely to my lack of organization at the moment. I go through phases of extreme organization and extreme disorder and I am definitely amidst the later. I have so many things on my to-do list everyday that it seems like a big daunting mountain. So far I've been procrastinating until the very last second for all these tasks. I get them done, but with seconds to spare. I would like to be more organized so that Mariamma a month from now isn't STRESSED. I have no regrets about the amount of fun I have had heaped on my plate lately, but it's time to get rid of some of these little thought bubbles that are starting to make the fun feel a little less free. I have an amazing Catalina post coming your way so stay tuned for that. And wish me luck decluttering my physical and mental spaces! 



Palm Backdrops 4Ever

Hello lovelies! I was quite productive this morning. I got my car detailed and went to the new gym for the first time. I am turning my car in tomorrow and then I will officially be a carless SoCal resident - unheard of! I drive my car so little, just for road trips basically since I live three blocks from work and can bike almost anywhere in Long Beach. My three year lease is up and it just doesn't make sense to spend a bunch of dough on a new car when it isn't necessary. There are other things I'd rather spend that money on ;). I got it thoroughly cleaned at a spot right around the corner and it looks as good as new! I am running one last errand with it tomorrow morning and then dropping it off at the dealership! It's such perfect timing that the new gym opened yesterday so I don't need to drive to the North LB location anymore - and that won't be an option anyways. I walked there today and it's only a mile. There were little restaurants and shops that I hadn't seen before so it will be a fun way to explore downtown a little more as well. 

<3 life is good


Lace & Denim

Lace Top - Victoria's Secret | Denim Dress - Thrifted | Boots - Free People

Hey hey! I hope you're doing well! I've a had a really nice couple days off. It started off with a movie/wine night in the bathtub. This has become one of my (not so guilty) pleasures. It's been quite chilly considering summer is around the corner and sometimes I just crave to be warmed to the bones, which a bath provides! The wine and movie just make it that much nicer. I tend to overheat quickly too so the movie or show distracts me and allows me to stay in a bit longer. You should try it ;). I've been to the gym both days I had off too. I was so sore this morning from yesterday but I still went to a Butt/Belly/Thighs workout class this morning. I don't think it would have been very hard if I hadn't been SO sore. It felt good to move all that lactic acid through my system though and I rolled out my muscles a bit on a foam roller after class. Afterwards I went to get a smoothie. Did you guys know that Jamba Juice has a 'secret' menu? I thought I'd try one that was recommended called the "Red Gummy." It was a little too sweet for me but it did taste so much like a gummy bear! I'll probably stick with my favorite Peanut Butter Banana one ;). 



Spring Mood Board

The new Instagram feature where you can save photos has quickly turned into a mood board. Scrolling through, I started to realize how cohesive my photos and interests are and thought they would make a nice collage to share. I hope these images inspire you as they've inspired me! There is a lot about social media that doesn't sit right with me but the ability to share and have access to inspirational art is undeniable. 




Photo Mar 19, 4 53 08 PM.jpg

I hope you all had a nice weekend. I just wrapped up mine with a steaming hot, candle-lit bath and I'm feeling particularly pampered. This last week my friend Hannah came to spend the day with me. We first met during my year in Rio de Janeiro and she currently lives in San Francisco. The last time I was up there to go to the Solange concert with my friend Christina we didn't get to see each other, so I'm so glad it worked out this time around! We walked seven miles along the beach together just catching up and soaking in the rare warm day. It's always so nice to catch up with old friends! Thanks for a lovely visit Miss Hannah! 



Boa tarde my sweets! Today is my second day off and it has been a very productive 'weekend' on the home decor front. I had three big tasks to take care of: 1. repot SIX plants (some were new and some had outgrown their pots) 2. assemble my NEW COUCH (loveseat), and 3. repaint the frames of the four paintings I got at the flea market last month. I can check them all off my list! I'm just waiting for the frames to dry in the backyard right now. It was quite windy today and getting the newspaper to not blow away was a feat, as well as getting the spray to not just blow into the wind. I accidentally painted a little of my adidas slides because the wind was blowing my direction at one point. But if they're going to be any color, I'm happy they're a little gold! My plans for the rest of the evening are to go see a movie kind of late. I may be a bit sleepy for work tomorrow. 

contemplating a nap 



Jacket - Vintage Armani | Jeans - Burlington | Booties - Free People 

My internet is up and running! I was planning on spending the day outside but it has turned into a very lounge-y day instead. It's still only 2 pm so there's still time ;). Its so nice to just relax at home though. The weather has gotten a bit cooler this week and the breeze that comes in through the window has me in a sweatshirt and slippers right now. There are palm trees outside my window, rustling and swaying in the gentle wind. I feel like I'd rather bundle up than close the window. I want to feel like I'm in the canopy. 




Summer is magical and I am gulping it down.

I feel really lucky to be in Chico, my hometown #2, at this pivotal moment when the creeks are warming and the college students have left. Us locals get to take over what is rightfully ours ;). The sun is warm on some days, perfect for walks in the park under the epic oaks. And other days it's hot, perfect for whole afternoons spent at swimming holes.

Summer is medicine and I am gulping it down. 




Happy Sunday! Today was a relaxing one for sure - and it was much needed. I had a slow morning: eating breakfast, hanging with the puppies, Jax and Bentley, and catching up with one of my best friends on the phone. I'll be heading home in a couple weeks to see all my friends, so we had some conspiring to do. Then I headed to the most relaxing Restorative Yoga class. The class is a perfect combination of stretching and napping, both of which I love! Then I came home and made a very yummy dinner while catching up on The Voice. I hope your day was just what you needed too.

Cheers to a great Monday ;) 

