Just Lace

Funny, but after that last post about it being my day off I got a call from work asking me to cover for someone ... so yesterday was actually my first day off. I used to work in the morning but for the past couple months I have been working at night and it means that my sleep schedule is completely flipped. I really love getting to wake up when my body wants to. It's such a luxury! Today I walked to the gym, came back and made a particularly delicious lunch, and then took an hour-long nap before work. I feel like I have time for myself and it feels damn good. I'm savoring this, appreciating it. Also, literally everyone who came to my birthday get-together in Chico brought a bottle of wine so I've been indulging in them before bed ... tonight I sampled Julia's rosé and it was fucking delicious. 

cheers to getting enough sleep & self care <3


Gypsy Summer

Jacket - Zara | Swimsuit - Myra Swim | Choker - Lulus

Yup, a little sneak preview of the new place! I have been without internet this week (it's getting installed on Friday!) so I've been exploring the local coffee shop scene and renting movies to watch while I unpack. Today the maintenance guy fixed my closet bar so I can finally hang up my dresses. I now have two whole closets and I honestly don't know how I fit all these clothes in just one. I have SO many clothes and shoes. Not complaining but damn is it a bitch to move it all and reorganize! I've been traveling around all summer and living out of a suitcase so it's been like Xmas discovering all the things I've missed wearing and looking at. My place feels amazing. I think I am appreciative of what I have in a bigger and deeper way than ever before. Crazy how the universe just finds a way to teach you exactly what you need to understand.

Good omen update: when I was driving the Uhaul to my place for the first time, a monarch butterfly flew up the hood and then up the windshield. My family's Native culture believes that monarchs are a powerful sign of good luck, and I'd say so. I'm used to feeling lucky but these last few months put that in check a little bit. I think it's made me grateful for the good things rather than just expecting them. I didn't realize how entitled that expectation is/was until now. I'm glad for the lesson(s).

Gratefully yours, 
