Sweater Weather

Sweater - Nakd | Jeans - Flea Market (Lee Jeans) | Boots - Thrifted

Last night we had a guest teacher who taught Afro-Haitian/Cuban dance. It’s always so nice to dance in different styles - a welcomed challenge. My back is so sore! I’ve spent the majority of the day studying but I slept in (for the first time since Rio!) and went on a nice park walk with my sissy for a little break mid-day. I’m currently at a coffee shop downtown and will head home soon. Does anyone else have so much trouble studying at home? I’ve always had to get out of the house if I want to maintain concentration. 

Ontem à noite tivemos um professor convidado que ensinou dança afro-haitiana / cubana. É sempre bom dançar em estilos diferentes - um desafio bem-vindo. Minhas costas estão tão doloridas! Eu passei a maior parte do dia estudando, mas eu dormi (pela primeira vez desde o Rio!) E fui em um belo parque andar com minha maricas para um pequeno intervalo no meio do dia. Atualmente, estou em um café no centro da cidade e voltarei para casa em breve. Alguém mais tem dificuldade em estudar em casa? Eu sempre tive que sair de casa se quisesse manter a concentração.

Photos from the Week

Hello lovelies! We're oh-so-close to Friday and I can already feel the relief coming on! It has been yet another crazy week at work. We've been making so many new orders and it is my job to make sure all the info is entered into our system properly so I have been a busy bee. Cross your fingers for me that I don't have to stay late tomorrow! I just got home from my favorite hip-hop class in Torrance. Nothing makes me as happy as dancing ... and nothing makes me as sore! I love it. After not having a real variety of classes to take for the last few years, I can't imagine that I will ever take for granted how many amazing teachers/classes are at my fingertips in LA. I feel so fucking lucky. 

Cheers! To doing what you <3
