We're In It | 2019

We are officially two weeks into the new year and I haven’t really taken a moment to reflect and identify what I want to work on in the new year. We are always working on ourselves ideally, but I like to take moments like my birthday and New Years to take a second and assess where I am and where I’d like to be. I watched Jenn Im’s youtube video on her resolutions and she suggested only making three so that you remember them.  So here they are.

  1. Spend more time checking in with yourself- writing just for you, blogging and saying what you really mean, having meaningful conversations with others, listening

  2. Blog more - network, continue to prioritize creative photos, think outside the box

  3. Health - cook more, be outside more, dance more, go to the gym more, prioritize sleep, wake up every morning asking yourself what you need to make it a wonderful day

    Do you have any “resolutions” for the year?

Estamos oficialmente há duas semanas no novo ano e eu realmente não levei um momento para refletir e identificar o que eu quero trabalhar no novo ano. Estamos sempre trabalhando em nós mesmos de forma ideal, mas eu gosto de aproveitar momentos como meu aniversário e Ano Novo para aproveitar um segundo e avaliar onde estou e onde gostaria de estar. Eu assisti ao vídeo do youtube de Jenn Im sobre suas resoluções e ela sugeriu que fizesse apenas três para que você se lembrasse delas. Então aqui estão eles.

  1. Passe mais tempo checando com você mesmo - escrevendo apenas para você, blogando e dizendo o que você realmente quer dizer, tendo conversas significativas com outras pessoas, ouvindo

  2. Blog mais - expandir, continue a priorizar fotos criativas, pensa fora da quadra

  3. Saúde - cozinhar mais, estar fora mais, dançar mais, ir ao ginásio mais, priorizar o sono, acordar todas as manhãs, se perguntando o que você precisa para torná-lo um dia maravilhoso

    Você tem alguma "resolução" para o ano?

Feliz Ano Novo



Having a unique name (at least in this part of the world) means that I have never found my name on a keychain or mini license plate. My grandparent's recognized that I would miss out on this very important ;) piece of American culture and gave me quite a few personalized items over the years to assure I didn't feel left out. I cherish all of them. I've had this necklace since elementary school and refused to wear it to school for fear of breaking it during one of my cut-throat tetherball tournaments or while defending a soccer goal. I'm grateful for my forethought because now, twenty years later, I can still rock it and reminisce on how lovely my family has been to me. 'Tis the season for thoughtful gifts. Inspired? I am.

