Sunrise | DTLA

Photos from last month in DTLA. Liv and I decided to try and watch the sunrise on the roof of our hotel but quickly realized the rooftop wasn’t open yet. She wittingly suggested we try a different stairwell and voila! an open door. It was a sleepy morning and we didn’t see a soul.


Fotos do mês passado em DTLA. Liv e eu decidimos tentar assistir o nascer do sol no telhado do nosso hotel, mas rapidamente percebemos que o telhado ainda não estava aberto. Ela sugeriu intencionalmente que experimentássemos uma escada diferente e pronto! uma porta aberta. Era uma manhã sonolenta e não vimos vivalma.

le smooch


Downtown With the Girls

This past week two of my coworkers/friends went for a fun girls' outing in DTLA.  We took photos along the streets and then ended up at Commissary, a restaurant in the Line Hotel. It is a beautiful place right next to the pool and it looks like a greenhouse because of the glass structure and all the plants everywhere. It really was dreamy. We had drinks and dinner and talked about where we see ourselves in five years.  I always love girl time. :)