Beijo na Boca

Happy Friday! I caught up with so many of my girlfriends on the West Coast this week, and I have a FaceTime date with Olivia all the way in South Africa tomorrow. I am really feeling gratitude for all the amazing, sweet, inspiring women in my life! And speaking of amazing women, my Mamma sent me a long black wool coat - something I’ve been wanting for a minute. She said the sleeves were a little too short for the NYC winter so she sewed some faux fur on the cuffs. She said she feels like she sent me a big hug, and she’s right. Love you Mamma! It snowed and snowed the first part of the week and the aftermath of snow drifts has been a fun addition to my walks with Prince. He really developed a love for the snow and it’s so cute. Today I took him to this enclosed soccer field so I could take him off the leash and let him run for bit. I closed the gate behind us so he wouldn’t get out, but when we tried to leave, the gate wouldn’t budge. It took me a little to understand how to get it unstuck and was so relieved to not have to ask a passerby to free us haha. I made it back just in time for the second half of class! Have a wonderful weekend!


Feliz sexta-feira! Eu conversei com muitas das minhas amigas na Costa Oeste esta semana, e eu tenho um encontro FaceTime com Olivia na África do Sul amanhã. Estou realmente sentindo gratidão por todas as mulheres incríveis, doces e inspiradoras da minha vida! E por falar em mulheres incríveis, minha mamãe me mandou um casaco longo de lã preto - algo que eu queria há um minuto. Ela disse que as mangas eram um pouco curtas para o inverno de Nova York, então ela costurou uma pele falsa nos punhos. Ela disse que sente que me enviou um grande abraço, e ela está certa. Te amo mamma! Nevou muito na primeira parte da semana e o rescaldo dos montes de neve tem sido uma adição divertida às minhas caminhadas com Prince. Ele realmente desenvolveu um amor pela neve e é tão fofo. Hoje eu o levei para um campo de futebol fechado para que eu pudesse tirá-lo da coleira e deixá-lo correr um pouco. Fechei o portão atrás de nós para que ele não saísse, mas quando tentamos sair, o portão não se mexeu. Demorei um pouco para entender como desatá-lo e fiquei tão aliviado por não ter que pedir a um transeunte para nos libertar haha. Eu voltei bem a tempo para a segunda metade da aula! Tenha um ótimo final de semana!

beijo na boca


Just Lace

Funny, but after that last post about it being my day off I got a call from work asking me to cover for someone ... so yesterday was actually my first day off. I used to work in the morning but for the past couple months I have been working at night and it means that my sleep schedule is completely flipped. I really love getting to wake up when my body wants to. It's such a luxury! Today I walked to the gym, came back and made a particularly delicious lunch, and then took an hour-long nap before work. I feel like I have time for myself and it feels damn good. I'm savoring this, appreciating it. Also, literally everyone who came to my birthday get-together in Chico brought a bottle of wine so I've been indulging in them before bed ... tonight I sampled Julia's rosé and it was fucking delicious. 

cheers to getting enough sleep & self care <3


Red & Gold

Hey there beauties! Today at work there was a story being covered on the news about two whales that swam up into the Seal Beach channel and got stuck when the tide went out. Whales (and horses) are my favorite animals and I've never seen one in the ocean so I headed there straight after work. A little crowd had gathered to watch. The area the whales were confined to was so small. I just kept thinking how scared or worried they must be. I'm glad they had each other at least. It was amazing to see their fins and bursts of air from their blowholes so closely! I sang a little song to Yemanja and prayed that the ocean takes them back safely. I just saw a little update and it looks like they are still in the channel but doing okay. Hopefully they'll get to return to the ocean during the night. I'll post an update! 



Just a Thursday

Thursday thoughts: I went through quite an identity shift this summer. People who are getting to know me now - as opposed to a year and a half ago when I moved down to LA - see me in ways I have never been seen before. I think being humbled by life events during my first year in Southern California has made me so much stronger, more decisive, more communicative, more happy! Having this new part of me at the forefront makes navigating through each day an adventure. I pleasantly surprise myself constantly. I am very aware of myself. This is such a relief after having jobs and relationships that encouraged or required a certain numbing of my soul. I feel alive. I feel like me. I feel like I can take a breath and there's no rush to exhale. I can just exist as I am. Isn't it silly that we don't always feel like that? I knew I'd get here, and I am so glad I was right.

