Aula de Dança

Thunder, lightning, and a whole lot of rain. It hasn’t rained very much this month so the epic tropical storm that rolled through Rio this afternoon was a welcomed pause in all the heat and humidity. The breeze wafting in from the window to my left and steady sound of cars on the wet and puddle-ridden asphalt will be my lullaby this evening. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday night and weekend!

Trovões, raios e muita chuva. Não choveu muito este mês, então a tempestade tropical épica que rolou pelo Rio esta tarde foi uma pausa bem-vinda em todo o calor e umidade. A brisa que sopra da janela à minha esquerda e o som constante de carros no asfalto molhado e cheio de poças será minha canção de ninar esta noite. Espero que todos tenham uma maravilhosa sexta-feira à noite e fim de semana!



We're In It | 2019

We are officially two weeks into the new year and I haven’t really taken a moment to reflect and identify what I want to work on in the new year. We are always working on ourselves ideally, but I like to take moments like my birthday and New Years to take a second and assess where I am and where I’d like to be. I watched Jenn Im’s youtube video on her resolutions and she suggested only making three so that you remember them.  So here they are.

  1. Spend more time checking in with yourself- writing just for you, blogging and saying what you really mean, having meaningful conversations with others, listening

  2. Blog more - network, continue to prioritize creative photos, think outside the box

  3. Health - cook more, be outside more, dance more, go to the gym more, prioritize sleep, wake up every morning asking yourself what you need to make it a wonderful day

    Do you have any “resolutions” for the year?

Estamos oficialmente há duas semanas no novo ano e eu realmente não levei um momento para refletir e identificar o que eu quero trabalhar no novo ano. Estamos sempre trabalhando em nós mesmos de forma ideal, mas eu gosto de aproveitar momentos como meu aniversário e Ano Novo para aproveitar um segundo e avaliar onde estou e onde gostaria de estar. Eu assisti ao vídeo do youtube de Jenn Im sobre suas resoluções e ela sugeriu que fizesse apenas três para que você se lembrasse delas. Então aqui estão eles.

  1. Passe mais tempo checando com você mesmo - escrevendo apenas para você, blogando e dizendo o que você realmente quer dizer, tendo conversas significativas com outras pessoas, ouvindo

  2. Blog mais - expandir, continue a priorizar fotos criativas, pensa fora da quadra

  3. Saúde - cozinhar mais, estar fora mais, dançar mais, ir ao ginásio mais, priorizar o sono, acordar todas as manhãs, se perguntando o que você precisa para torná-lo um dia maravilhoso

    Você tem alguma "resolução" para o ano?

Feliz Ano Novo


Hummingbird Feeder

Top - Princess Polly Boutique

Good afternoon babes! I’m sitting in one of my favorite little coffee shops in downtown Chico called Naked Lounge. Matcha latte on the wood table to my left, J. Cole in the headphones, and familiar faces on steady rotation through the big front windows. This doesn’t feel like home anymore though … I didn’t feel like this last time I was home. But last time was very brief and all I did was see the people who make me feel grounded here. Out and about with a lot of time on my hands and suddenly this place feels smaller and I feel bigger. Big fish, small pond ;) not to toot my own horn or anything haha. I miss Long Beach already but I am so excited for Rio in just two short weeks! I can appreciate the slower pace of life in a small town, but I guess I’ve become at home in the hustle. I had a really nice dinner with Julia last night at Crepeville. We talked from 6:30 ’til 11 pm! Lots to catch up on. And that’s why I’m home! To have quality time with the people I love before this next chapter. 

Boa tarde babes! Estou sentada em uma das minhas cafeterias favoritas no centro de Chico, chamada Naked Lounge. Matcha latte na mesa de madeira à minha esquerda, J. Cole nos fones de ouvido e rostos familiares em constante rotação através das grandes janelas da frente. Isso não parece mais o lar, no entanto ... Eu não me senti assim da última vez que estive em casa. Mas a última vez foi muito breve e tudo o que fiz foi ver as pessoas que me fazem sentir aqui. Fora e com muito tempo em minhas mãos e de repente este lugar se sente menor e me sinto maior. Peixe grande, pequeno lago;) não toot meu próprio chifre ou qualquer coisa haha. Tenho saudades de Long Beach, mas estou muito animado para o Rio em apenas duas semanas! Eu posso apreciar o ritmo mais lento da vida em uma cidade pequena, mas acho que me sinto em casa na confusão. Eu tive um ótimo jantar com Julia na noite passada em Crepeville. Nós conversamos das 6:30 às 11 da noite! Muito para pôr em dia. E é por isso que estou em casa! Ter tempo de qualidade com as pessoas que amo antes do próximo capítulo.




Hello and happy Saturday night! Yesterday I picked up this lovely cheetah print number at the Salvation Army along with an oversized, double-breasted black blazer (with gold buttons!). I was excited to take photos in this dress today. It's a little big but perfect with a belt. I tried on so many waist belts in my closet and they all looked great with it. I decided on the brown one in the photos because I got it at the same thrift store a couple months ago. Entirely thrifted outfits ftw!! The fabric has this wrinkle-proof texture which will be perfect for the belted look because it won't bunch like normal fabric. I was feeling quite saucy in my matching nail/lipstick combo as well. It looks as though the weather in Long Beach is finally going to warm up in the middle of this week and I am so looking forward to a little less layering. 



La Palma

Vintage Jacko Jeans - LB Flea Market | 90s Booties - Thrifted | Vintage Belt - Thrifted | White Tee - Hanes

This has been a lovely week! Before heading back to Las Vegas for Christmas, my friend Brittany threw an epic dinner party that turned into an all night dance-o-thon when we took it to Pine Street. My next morning at work wasn't pretty, but it was worth it ;). I had dinner with my friend Elly at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. It was both of our first times there and I am definitely a fan. We serve a gourmet version of the Southern classic at work but I've been antsy to try the original. It was nice to catch up and show her my place as well. My mom came into town a couple days ago and will be staying with me 'til Christmas, then we have a room booked for three nights at a fancy hotel across from the beach and I have all three days off to enjoy the stay-cation! Working for Marriott has some definite perks! I developed a bit of a cold today so I'm already daydreaming about the hot tub. 

Cheers to a lovely end to 2017, and hope on the horizon that 2018 will be the best one yet! 



Just a Thursday

Thursday thoughts: I went through quite an identity shift this summer. People who are getting to know me now - as opposed to a year and a half ago when I moved down to LA - see me in ways I have never been seen before. I think being humbled by life events during my first year in Southern California has made me so much stronger, more decisive, more communicative, more happy! Having this new part of me at the forefront makes navigating through each day an adventure. I pleasantly surprise myself constantly. I am very aware of myself. This is such a relief after having jobs and relationships that encouraged or required a certain numbing of my soul. I feel alive. I feel like me. I feel like I can take a breath and there's no rush to exhale. I can just exist as I am. Isn't it silly that we don't always feel like that? I knew I'd get here, and I am so glad I was right.

