Birthday Girl

Good afternoon! I am currently in Fort Myers, Florida and the humidity is real! I tried to take a photo of my hotel view and had to be quick because the lens was fogging up so fast! There is supposedly a mini waterpark at the hotel so my friend Colleen and I are about to go find it! The sunny weather is such a nice surprise because yesterday the weather said it was going to storm. These photos were taken on my birthday just last week in the absolutely wonderful city of Oporto! What a dream … 


Boa tarde! Eu estou atualmente em Fort Myers, Flórida e a umidade é real! Eu tentei tirar uma foto da minha visão do hotel e tive que ser rápido porque a lente estava embaçando tão rápido! Há supostamente um mini parque aquático no hotel, então meu amigo Colleen e eu estamos prestes a ir encontrá-lo! O tempo ensolarado é uma surpresa tão agradável porque ontem o tempo disse que ia invadir. Estas fotos foram tiradas no meu aniversário na semana passada na cidade absolutamente maravilhosa do Porto! Que sonho …




Good afternoon babes! I was supposed to have today off but I got a call right after yoga this morning that someone needs tonight covered. Luckily I didn't have any plans until later tonight so that works out pretty well. And now I get to postpone my free day, which I'm not mad at. The Grand Prix was in Long Beach this weekend which meant it was really busy at work and parking was almost impossible. I worked from 2-midnight on Saturday and then 8:30-4:30 Sunday so I was exhausted last night. Nothing too exciting to update you on.

