Tropical Epiphanies

Bom dia babes. A couple days ago I had a thought train that went a little something like this:

I love the tropics. I love the plants, the sun, the humidity, the slower pace etc. I enjoy the side of me that emerges in this environment - but I didn’t even know she existed until I was 22 and hopped on a plane to live in Rio de Janeiro for a year. Now, it wasn’t just the tropics, but the complex and exciting culture in Rio that allowed me to bloom. I look back on that year as my true coming of age. I transformed and it forever altered my path. I went to Rio amidst getting my Psychology degree and came back sure that I was destined to do something else. I stopped defining myself by things that happened to me in my childhood and instead discovered that I could put more emphasis on who I was right then - and she was so brand new to me. I saw myself be brave and bold and humbled all at once and I felt so empowered. That year is the foundation of my adulthood. Period. It’s the truest act of love I’ve ever doted on myself. I went to Rio in spite of being in a relationship, in spite of not having a lot of money, in spite of never having been outside the country except for a road trip with my family in Mexico. I went in spite of it being “one of the most dangerous cities in the world” at the time - and I am so proud of 22 year old me.

We hear cliche things like, “you really learn about yourself when you travel,” and you hear it so much you don’t really internalize what that means. My epiphany is that, I never would have met this “version” of myself if I hadn’t put myself in that situation. It made me wonder … how many other badass versions of me will I meet - through travel, through joy, through hardships. Of course we learn as we grow - another cliche. But these thoughts illustrate that for me in a new way. I see now what that means. It makes me so excited for all the new experiences to come. It makes me so excited for LIFE.


Bom dia babes. Alguns dias atrás, eu tive um trem de pensamento que era mais ou menos assim:

Eu amo os trópicos. Amo as plantas, o sol, a umidade, o ritmo mais lento etc. Gosto do meu lado que emerge neste ambiente - mas nem sabia que ela existia até eu ter 22 anos e entrar em um avião para morar no Rio de Janeiro por um ano. Agora, não foram apenas os trópicos, mas a cultura complexa e emocionante do Rio que me permitiu florescer. Eu olho para trás e vejo aquele ano como minha verdadeira maioridade. Eu me transformei e isso alterou para sempre o meu caminho. Fui para o Rio no meio de me formar em Psicologia e voltei com a certeza de que estava destinado a fazer outra coisa. Parei de me definir por coisas que aconteceram comigo na minha infância e, em vez disso, descobri que poderia colocar mais ênfase em quem eu era naquele momento - e ela era tão nova para mim. Eu me vi ser corajoso, ousado e humilde ao mesmo tempo e me senti muito fortalecido. Esse ano é a base da minha vida adulta. Período. É o mais verdadeiro ato de amor que já me idolatrou. Fui ao Rio apesar de ter um relacionamento, apesar de não ter muito dinheiro, apesar de nunca ter saído do país a não ser para uma viagem rodoviária com minha família no México. Eu fui apesar de ser “uma das cidades mais perigosas do mundo” na época - e estou muito orgulhoso de mim, de 22 anos.

Ouvimos clichês como "você realmente aprende sobre si mesmo quando viaja", e você ouve tanto que realmente não internaliza o que isso significa. Minha epifania é que, eu nunca teria conhecido essa "versão" de mim mesmo se não tivesse me colocado naquela situação. Isso me fez pensar ... quantas outras versões duras de mim eu irei conhecer - por meio de viagens, por meio de alegria, por meio de adversidades. Claro que aprendemos à medida que crescemos - outro clichê. Mas esses pensamentos ilustram isso para mim de uma nova maneira. Eu vejo agora o que isso significa. Isso me deixa muito animado com todas as novas experiências que estão por vir. Isso me deixa tão animado para a vida.




Good afternoon babes! I was supposed to have today off but I got a call right after yoga this morning that someone needs tonight covered. Luckily I didn't have any plans until later tonight so that works out pretty well. And now I get to postpone my free day, which I'm not mad at. The Grand Prix was in Long Beach this weekend which meant it was really busy at work and parking was almost impossible. I worked from 2-midnight on Saturday and then 8:30-4:30 Sunday so I was exhausted last night. Nothing too exciting to update you on.



Lauren's Birthday

Hey there sweet thangs! Last night I went to see Jumanji with a friend and it was so much better than I expected! I thought it was going to just be a remake of the original but everything about it was modernized. We laughed a ton :). These photos were taken this past weekend in San Diego. I really love going to visit Lauren. I've been down to visit her enough times now that we spend half the time visiting places I know and love, and the other half exploring places I have not yet been. It feels like a home away from home thanks to Lauren's lovely hosting. She's always trying to convince me to move there but I am still partial to Long Beach. It's so nice to have a little change of scenery though. 
