Bday Week

Today is my birthday! Dana and I are at a coffee shop. She’s leaving, back to Chicago this afternoon. I had such a wonderful weekend, complete with park hangs and Brazilian churrasco. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well!


Hoje é meu aniversário! Dana e eu estamos em um café. Ela está partindo, de volta a Chicago esta tarde. Eu tive um fim de semana maravilhoso, completo com park hangs e churrasco brasileiro. Espero que todos tenham tido um ótimo final de semana também!



Birthday Girl

Good afternoon! I am currently in Fort Myers, Florida and the humidity is real! I tried to take a photo of my hotel view and had to be quick because the lens was fogging up so fast! There is supposedly a mini waterpark at the hotel so my friend Colleen and I are about to go find it! The sunny weather is such a nice surprise because yesterday the weather said it was going to storm. These photos were taken on my birthday just last week in the absolutely wonderful city of Oporto! What a dream … 


Boa tarde! Eu estou atualmente em Fort Myers, Flórida e a umidade é real! Eu tentei tirar uma foto da minha visão do hotel e tive que ser rápido porque a lente estava embaçando tão rápido! Há supostamente um mini parque aquático no hotel, então meu amigo Colleen e eu estamos prestes a ir encontrá-lo! O tempo ensolarado é uma surpresa tão agradável porque ontem o tempo disse que ia invadir. Estas fotos foram tiradas no meu aniversário na semana passada na cidade absolutamente maravilhosa do Porto! Que sonho …



Table Mountain

Hello sweet friends! Tonight is my last night in Chico. It has been oh so quick of a visit, but utterly perfect. One of my high school buddies, Mr. Thomas Walker, was in town for just one more day when I arrived and we filled our day with multiple creek dips, scarfing burritos, catching up, a hike, and topped it off with pesto pizza and arroz con leche popsicles. It was grand. The following day I headed up to the notoriously gorgeous Spring attraction, Table Mountain, with my brother and his fiancé Abbie. These photos were taken there. The spring rains pool and feed fields upon fields of wild flowers on this flat little mountain just above Chico. Timing your Table Mountain visit is always touchy because if you go too early it’s all mud, and if you go too late the heat dries up a good portion of the flowers. We avoided most mud so it was a good day. I spent today running errands but managed to get my booty to dance class. My nails are fresh and my laundry is hanging … now I just have to pack. But first, sleep. 


Olá queridos! Esta noite é minha última noite em Chico. Foi tão rápido de uma visita, mas absolutamente perfeita. Um dos meus amigos do colégio, o Sr. Thomas Walker, estava na cidade por apenas mais um dia quando eu cheguei e enchemos nosso dia com vários banhos de riacho, comendo burritos, alcançando uma caminhada, e cobrindo com pizza de pesto e picolés de arroz com leite. Foi grandioso. No dia seguinte, fui até a notoriamente linda atração da primavera Table Mountain (Montanha da Mesa) com meu irmão e seu noivo Abbie. Essas fotos foram tiradas lá. A primavera chove piscina e campos de alimentação em campos de flores silvestres nesta pequena montanha plana acima de Chico. O tempo de sua visita à Table Mountain é sempre delicado porque, se você for muito cedo, é tudo lama, e se você for até tarde o calor seca uma boa parte das flores. Nós evitamos a maior parte da lama, então foi um bom dia. Eu passei hoje correndo recados, mas consegui meu botim para a aula de dança. Minhas unhas estão frescas e minha roupa está pendurada ... agora eu só tenho que embalar. Mas primeiro vou dormir.



Red Cross

Earrings - Boohoo | Top - Boohoo | Skirt - Vintage

I'm up far too late with far too much energy right now. I have to pack tomorrow to go to a wedding this weekend and I wanted to get a lot of things done tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get sleepy soon. I just read through my last few posts and all I talk about is how sore I am haha. I am sorry if I sounded like a broken record! I think it's just a novelty while I'm getting back into shape and it has literally been making it hard to walk so it's been on my mind a lot lately haha. Last night I went to dance class and learned how to do something I've wanted learn for so long. I was practicing a bunch at work today when I thought no one was looking and got caught a few times. After class some of the girls and I went to Taco Tuesday at a restaurant/bar nearby and got margaritas. It was a really nice ending to the day. 

Cheers to new dance moves and margaritas! 


Lauren's Birthday

Hey there sweet thangs! Last night I went to see Jumanji with a friend and it was so much better than I expected! I thought it was going to just be a remake of the original but everything about it was modernized. We laughed a ton :). These photos were taken this past weekend in San Diego. I really love going to visit Lauren. I've been down to visit her enough times now that we spend half the time visiting places I know and love, and the other half exploring places I have not yet been. It feels like a home away from home thanks to Lauren's lovely hosting. She's always trying to convince me to move there but I am still partial to Long Beach. It's so nice to have a little change of scenery though. 
