San Miguel de Allende

So..  I forgot my SD card adapter for my computer during my 3 am packing for Mexico (we’re not surprised) so my DSLR photos are being held for ransom. Stay tuned for those photos upon my return to NY. Here are the iPhone photos I’ve taken so far. San Miguel de Allende is so lovely and picturesque. Sofia’s family has been so hospitable and gracious, and has fed me like a queen. The house is full of little cats and a sweet dog named Rumba. Today Sofia and I went shopping and we got some things to take home but also gifts for Christmas. We drew names and I got her stepdad and Sofia got her Grandma. Happy to say we had a successful shopping day and can just enjoy ourselves tomorrow which will be Sofia’s first official day off of work. We plan on going to a hot springs in the morning and perhaps out to a little dive bar in the evening with her cousins.


Então .. Esqueci meu adaptador de cartão SD para meu computador durante minha viagem às 3 da manhã para o México (não estamos surpresos), então minhas fotos DSLR estão sendo mantidas para resgate. Fiquem ligados nas fotos do meu retorno a NY. Aqui estão as fotos do iPhone que tirei até agora. San Miguel de Allende é tão adorável e pitoresca. A família de Sofia tem sido tão hospitaleira e gentil, e me alimentou como uma rainha. A casa está cheia de gatinhos e um cachorro doce chamado Rumba. Hoje eu e a Sofia fomos às compras e trouxemos algumas coisas para levar para casa mas também prendas de Natal. Nós sorteamos nomes e eu peguei o padrasto dela e Sofia a avó dela. Fico feliz em dizer que tivemos um dia de compras bem-sucedido e podemos nos divertir amanhã, que será o primeiro dia oficial de folga de Sofia. Planejamos ir a uma fonte termal pela manhã e talvez a um pequeno bar à noite com os primos dela.




Happy hump-day folks. I just had two lovely days off - a bit productive and a bit relaxing. I am about to go check out a michelada spot with my friend Ashley. One of the chefs at work told us that it is the best place in SoCal so we are going to investigate! These photos were taken last week on a little Saturday outing in the sunshine. This park is in-between Long Beach and Seal Beach and I decided to do some exploring. I had taken photos with a photographer there but I had only really seen the entrance. I was curious about how far back it went. In true SoCal fashion, it wasn't very large and was surrounded by fancy houses haha. I'm really craving a getaway into nature. I'll just wait for it to warm up a bit and then I'll scheme :). 


Photos from the Week

Hello lovelies! We're oh-so-close to Friday and I can already feel the relief coming on! It has been yet another crazy week at work. We've been making so many new orders and it is my job to make sure all the info is entered into our system properly so I have been a busy bee. Cross your fingers for me that I don't have to stay late tomorrow! I just got home from my favorite hip-hop class in Torrance. Nothing makes me as happy as dancing ... and nothing makes me as sore! I love it. After not having a real variety of classes to take for the last few years, I can't imagine that I will ever take for granted how many amazing teachers/classes are at my fingertips in LA. I feel so fucking lucky. 

Cheers! To doing what you <3
