Junk Yard

T-Shirt - Hanes | Shorts - Vintage | Moccasins - Minnettonka 

This was one of the first spots my cousin took me to in the desert. Artist Noah Purifoy created this "Outdoor Desert Art Museum" out of 'junk' items. It is open to the public in the Mojave Desert and we had a lot of fun wandering around in the dust and sand. I've had today off which is nice. I am looking forward to a couple restful days. On Mothers Day last weekend I worked a 14 hour shift and I've been feeling like I'm on the verge of getting sick ever since so I'm taking it really easy today. I cleaned a bit this morning (still wasn't totally unpacked from the desert), caught up with my friend Jenelle on the phone, and then headed to my favorite coffee shop to catch up on some blogging ;) and eat one of their delicious paninis haha! I picked up all the items from the tailor yesterday and I'm thinking of doing a little post on that. I dropped off two more items yesterday though so maybe I'll wait 'til those are done as well. Getting things tailored isn't necessarily cheap, but it makes a lot more sense than throwing $$ away on cheap items that won't last. I'm really excited to wear these items that I've had tucked away for so long! 




Feliz Friday y'all! I don't have much planned for the rest of the day except some house projects. I'm currently at a coffee shop on 2nd street and I'm planning on picking up a painting that needed the glass fixed in the frame on my way home. A couple months back I did a post about spray-painting the frames of four pieces of artwork that I bought at the flea market. They are a set and I wanted to hang them in a certain formation together but the beams in the wall were going to make that tricky. The guy at the hardware store convinced me to buy this heavy-duty, double-sided adhesive that could hold up to 300 lbs (supposedly) to the wall. Long story short, one of them fell off of the wall (in the middle of the night I might add) and shattered. I took the rest down fearing the same fate and finally got around to getting it fixed. Now I can hang them all the old-fashioned way haha. 

Sometimes simple is better. Lesson learned. 



Vancouver, WA

Shorts - Vintage | Top - F21 | Choker - Hot Topic

These were taken in my friend Sperry's backyard in Vancouver. I drove down with her and her fiancé and spent a few days with them and with family in neighboring Portland before flying back to Southern California. I got to see my baby cousins, two of which had just been born the month before and I got to go vintage shopping with a friend. Portland has some very cool little spots for that sort of thing. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to see family and friends. Visiting people really is one of my favorite hobbies.

Happy Monday 



Ayy bae bae. I'm currently posted up in a coffee shop in Culver City, headed to a dance class in a sec. This past weekend was my coworker Liz's birthday (so many birthdays!) and I went a little too hard Friday night. I woke up at noon on Saturday, got water, and went back to bed 'til three. The weekends already seem fast so when you sleep a whole day away practically ... Monday comes too quick. I think I'm going to take a break from going out haha. Sunday was nice though. I went to dance class and there was a guest teacher: a woman I danced with in Brazil! She's pretty famous in the dance community and I went up after class to thank her and she remembered me! I was very flattered. Then I met up with my brother and we went back to my place to cook a delicious spicy noodle stir fry. I was so excited to take some to work with me for lunch until Raoul went back for 2nds, 3rds, etc. I forget how much that kid can eat! Oh well, my mom will be happy I got some veggies in him. 

