Dia De Los Muertos


Happy Friday! Today Ana and I went to Parque das Ruínas in Santa Teresa and stumbled upon a huge, packed Dia de los Muertos party. There was a band playing music and little food vendors. It was fun to see so much Mexican culture represented. After dancing a bit as best I could in the crowd we walked around the neighborhood and stopped at Tribas for a slice of pizza. They have a pepper infused honey that is SO good. What a great start to the weekend, right?! 

Feliz sexta-feira! Hoje Ana e eu fomos ao Parque das Ruínas em Santa Teresa e nos deparamos com uma enorme e lotada festa Dia de los Muertos. Havia uma banda tocando música e pequenos vendedores de comida. Foi divertido ver tanta cultura mexicana representada. Depois de dançar um pouco da melhor maneira que pude na multidão, andamos pelo bairro e paramos no Tribas para comer uma fatia de pizza. Eles têm uma pimenta infundida mel que é tão bom. Que ótimo começo para o fim de semana, né?!



Fourth of July

This is a very late post at this point but I just haven't had a ton of down time to make it happen! This summer has been absolutely amazing so far. Every day has involved sunshine, friends, exploring or some combo of those three. I feel truly blessed. These photos were taken July 4th weekend at my friend Sperry's cabin on Crystal Lake. I grew up going to the lake with her during the summer but it had been quite a while since the last time I was there. All her cousins came up from Spokane as well and brought friends so we had quite a posse. The weekend involved lots of water sports (I got up on my first time wake surfing!), floating and talking for hours in Green Cove, long walks through the woods (almost got lost one time), making smores, and setting off fireworks off the dock. Classic. 

much love 



Hello! It's been a busy week, but it always bugs me when it takes this long for me to post again! My mamma is visiting this week. I picked her up from the airport late Monday after dance class and she'll be here until Sunday. I realized this is the first time I've really hosted her. She's been taking full advantage of the hot tub and the kitchen ... no complaints here ;).

Yesterday, Thanksgiving, was really nice - and not our typical family holiday. Raoul came over for waffle breakfast in the morning, then I baked the pumpkin pie while we waited for Jackson, my roommates dog, to be dropped off. We all went to the 80 degree dog beach in Long Beach for a few hours. That puppy loves to run! We ran so much and at one point he got completely soaked by a wave, but I couldn't tell if it was on purpose. He didn't seem mad about it and I laughed pretty hard. We came home and ate a delicious dinner and pie! Such a sweet day. 

Happy belated Thanksgiving 


Huntington Beach | Labor Day

Yesterday I drove all the way to work, arriving at 7:30 am, only to realize that the entire building was locked. My boss told me over the phone to just take the day off - a very awesome surprise! I even got paid for my time in the car so all's good in the hood.  I decided to go check out a new beach and Huntington was the lucky winner! I hadn't gotten enough fun in the sun when I got home so I hit the pool.  And to top my day off, I did a moonlit workout in the backyard. I'd say Labor Day was a huge success. I hope you all had a wonderful day! 



[Btw, that giant surfboard holds the world record for 'Most People on a Surfboard' ... 60+ people)!