Out & About

Hello lovelies. These photos are from the past couple weeks, from allover the city. There was that delicious dinner at Bar Mineiro with the girls, and the cute airport lounge where I ate breakfast while I waited for the Federal Police to extend my visa. This city is full of cute corners. Last night I tried desperately to get an Itaú bike (one of the city bikes) and after accidentally grabbing one with a flat tire and then waiting for 20 minutes for someone to drop one off, which they never did, I decided to just walk home. It turned out to be a lovely walk; it was cool as the sun was setting and I got a beautiful sunset show above the mountains. A huge cloud loomed above Cristo, glowing from the inside out in a peachy hue. I was quite perturbed that I didn’t have a camera on me but I managed to take a few photos with my little samsung phone that were only worth sharing on a quick instastory. Now I’m off to meet Paula at a vegetarian restaurant she wants to show me! Hopefully I can find a bike ;)

Olá amores. Essas fotos são das últimas duas semanas, de toda a cidade. Houve aquele jantar delicioso no Bar Mineiro com as garotas e o fofo salão do aeroporto onde tomei o café da manhã enquanto esperava a Polícia Federal estender meu visto. Esta cidade está cheia de cantos fofos. Ontem à noite eu tentei desesperadamente pegar uma bicicleta do Itaú (uma das bicicletas da cidade) e depois de acidentalmente pegar um com um pneu furado e esperar 20 minutos para alguém deixar cair um, o que eles nunca fizeram, eu decidi voltar para casa em pê . Acabou sendo uma caminhada adorável; estava fresco como o sol estava se pondo e eu adquiri um espetáculo de pôr-do-sol bonito sobre as montanhas. Uma nuvem enorme pairava sobre Cristo, brilhando de dentro para fora num tom de pêssego. Fiquei bastante perturbado por não ter uma câmera comigo, mas consegui tirar algumas fotos com o meu pequeno celular da Samsung que só valeu a pena compartilhar no meu Instastory. Agora eu vou conhecer Paula em um restaurante vegetariano que ela quer me mostrar! Espero poder encontrar uma bicicleta ;)



Good Days Only

Top - Free People | Jeans - Rollas | Sandals - Blowfish Malibu 

Hello hello! I just went to yoga for the first time in a couple weeks. I've been feeling a bit tight from going to the gym so I thought it would be a good idea to allot today to just stretching. I always bike to yoga and I lay it down next to me on the grass during class. I've had the thought that I could get too zen and someone could swipe it quickly so I lay my yoga mat case and my backpack over the frame. As I was walking my bike off the lawn after class today someone did actually try to steal someone's bike! After the owner started yelling that it was her bike a guy from yoga knocked a girl off the bike at the intersection and got the bike back. It was so crazy! The girl had a yoga mat but walked off quickly without it. What a silly decision! Yoga on the bluff is a free/donation based class so it just seems so strange to take a free class based on loving and nourishing yourself and then greedily try and steal someone's mode of transportation right afterwards. I was impressed with how quickly that guy sprung into action though. And I feel a bit sad for the girl who attempted the whole thing. 

Anyways :) I have tomorrow off and I'm happy about it. I've been scheduled with Tuesday & Thursdays off the last couple weeks and it's actually pretty nice. I never work more than four days in a row which feels really easy. 




Top - Thrifted | Pants - Stolen from my Ma :) | Booties - Circus by Sam Edelman 

Good morning! Today is my last day in Santa Barbara and luckily Nicole has the whole day free to spend with me! Yesterday we had lunch together and then I headed downtown while she met with a professor for a few hours. I wandered around, popping into shops while sipping on a matcha latte from Good Cup. When Nicole was done we met up and headed to dinner at a restaurant in La Arcada. I'm just waiting for her to wake up right now so we can go wander around more today. I'll head back to Long Beach this evening ... just in time for traffic. 

Have a lovely Friday! 


Fourth of July

This is a very late post at this point but I just haven't had a ton of down time to make it happen! This summer has been absolutely amazing so far. Every day has involved sunshine, friends, exploring or some combo of those three. I feel truly blessed. These photos were taken July 4th weekend at my friend Sperry's cabin on Crystal Lake. I grew up going to the lake with her during the summer but it had been quite a while since the last time I was there. All her cousins came up from Spokane as well and brought friends so we had quite a posse. The weekend involved lots of water sports (I got up on my first time wake surfing!), floating and talking for hours in Green Cove, long walks through the woods (almost got lost one time), making smores, and setting off fireworks off the dock. Classic. 

much love 


Glow Baby

This shirt was one of my steals from Carlos One Night Stand, one of my favorite vintage stores ever located in the Hip Strip in Missoula. I got the pants recently as well from TJ Maxx. A special thanks to the pond, the setting sun, and little Hazel for making these photos possible ;). 

sloppy smooch


Kite Runner

These photos were taken on my first day back in Montana. I got to Charlo at midnight the night before and woke up to help my cousin and her family pack up their house and move ... down the road! They rent their house out every summer to the fire service (two pilots are staying there now) and my cousin is conveniently house sitting for a couple that lives on the closest property while they bike through Europe for two months. Luckily we traded one cute house with an awesome location for another! This was a nice pause in the day where I took the kids outside for a break from packing and cleaning to run around in the sunshine with a brand new parrot kite. 



Upper Park

Here is a little flashback to a day in the sun and water with my friend Acacia and her puppy. Upper Park is the upper half of Bidwell Park that runs through Chico and up into the hills. It frames a creek that travels through town. Lower Park is lush and green with a tight-knit canopy that keeps the vines and moss green below. Upper Park on the other hand has dry, rustling blonde grass and a canyon of lava rocks where the creek runs through. The water was still pretty cold - it warms up in July - but we managed to swim upstream a bit and have a little picnic and sunbath on a little rock ledge. I've taken so many photos this month that it's hard to find time to upload them all! I love this 'problem'!



Manhattan Beach

Whatttttup! I had a sweet little lunch date with my friend Alli today in Manhattan Beach. There are so many pricey little spots but then we stumbled on our kind of spot: cheap and tasty Mexican food! It was so nice to explore and window shop ... and I may have made a swimsuit purchase. Summer is almost here and you know I'll be ready ;). 



Desert Dessert

A few weekends ago I went on a little day trip to the desert. I just needed some silence and solitude. I love me some city, but I can't live without my nature. There is something so magical about the desert and its muted shades. No harsh hues but lots of snarled cacti that will insert themselves in your feet via your open-toed sandals ... BEWARE ;).  

smooches on smooches 


San Pedro

Yesterday we woke up early and went to breakfast along the Marina and then decided to use the beautiful day for some exploring. First stop was the Korean Bell of Friendship and then down the road we stopped to hike down to the Sunken City. There's still so much of LA I haven't seen, and little trips like yesterday's really remind me of that. We ended the day at a Dodger's game ... my first pro baseball game ever! We ate plenty of "Dodger Dogs" and garlic fries and drank $15 tall cans. It was a good time. :)

Happy Easter! 



Happy Sunday! Today was a relaxing one for sure - and it was much needed. I had a slow morning: eating breakfast, hanging with the puppies, Jax and Bentley, and catching up with one of my best friends on the phone. I'll be heading home in a couple weeks to see all my friends, so we had some conspiring to do. Then I headed to the most relaxing Restorative Yoga class. The class is a perfect combination of stretching and napping, both of which I love! Then I came home and made a very yummy dinner while catching up on The Voice. I hope your day was just what you needed too.

Cheers to a great Monday ;) 



Little Tokyo & The Arts District

Hi yous! Last weekend my mamma wanted to see where I worked and after I showed off our office view, we headed deeper into Downtown. We ended up wandering through vintage shops in Little Tokyo before crossing the street into the Arts District where you literally can't take a step without seeing some piece of art. I really liked all the stencil graffiti on the sidewalk. There's sooo much to see in LA. I've already been here for five months and I still feel like whenever people ask me if I've been certain places I have to say no. This city feels like a giant maze with cool new stuff at every turn. So happy to be here. :) 

feliz friday 


Zavala Wedding

What an awesome weekend! I got to go home to Northern California for my dear friends' wedding. It was an absolutely magical evening. Weddings are always happy and fun, but this one was especially beautiful. Oh how I love love! I was so happy to see all my friends and spend the night dancing away under the oaks and the ridge. And of course, there were lots of funny occurrences that made reminiscing this morning at brunch quite fun. That being said, I need to go to sleep because I didn't do much relaxing this weekend and I've got to get up early mañana.

Congratulations Shaylyn & Zane! 

