End of May

Hi loves! A few photos from the week! I am not feeling like writing much right now but here are a few photos I took this week. New York has truly been wonderful and ALIVE!


Oi amores! Algumas fotos da semana! Não estou com vontade de escrever muito agora, mas aqui estão algumas fotos que tirei esta semana. Nova York tem sido realmente maravilhosa e VIVA!



Freezing in February

Good morning loves! I hope you’re having a nice start to the week. I started today with a private session with one of the trainers at my gym. I was asking the front desk about moving a piece of equipment last week and the conversation ended with the equipment staying exactly where it is (lol) and him suggesting I finally use my free training session that we each get upon signing up. It was so much fun! And it will be so nice to add a few new exercises to my gym repertoire. I’ve been so consistent in working out for the past month and that means I have to switch up my routines daily to stay well-rounded. We did a timed circuit workout and I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. Afterwards he used one of those fascia muscle guns on my legs and it was one of the craziest feelings! My muscles along the sides of my legs and butt, and the muscle right in the back of my legs were SO tight and painful … but I may have to look into getting one because I could feel the difference immediately. Anyways, I hope I didn’t bore you too much with gym talk. It’s supposed to snow all this week so the gym may be my only real outing until the weekend. I hope you’re staying warm and cozy!


Bom dia amores! Espero que você esteja tendo um bom começo de semana. Comecei hoje com uma sessão privada com um dos treinadores da minha academia. Eu estava perguntando na recepção sobre mover um equipamento na semana passada e a conversa terminou com o equipamento exatamente onde está (risos) e ele sugerindo que eu finalmente usasse minha sessão de treinamento gratuita que cada um de nós recebe ao se inscrever. Foi tão divertido! E será tão bom adicionar alguns exercícios novos ao meu repertório de ginástica. Tenho sido tão consistente em treinar no último mês e isso significa que tenho que mudar minhas rotinas diariamente para me manter equilibrado. Fizemos um treino de circuito cronometrado e gostei muito mais do que pensava. Depois ele usou uma daquelas armas de músculo fascia nas minhas pernas e foi uma das sensações mais loucas! Meus músculos ao longo das laterais das minhas pernas e nádegas, e o músculo bem na parte de trás das minhas pernas estavam TÃO tensos e doloridos ... mas eu posso ter que procurar um porque eu pude sentir a diferença imediatamente. De qualquer forma, espero não ter aborrecido muito você com conversas de ginástica. Deve nevar durante toda esta semana, então a academia pode ser minha única saída de verdade até o fim de semana. Espero que você permaneça aquecido e aconchegante!

Glow Baby

This shirt was one of my steals from Carlos One Night Stand, one of my favorite vintage stores ever located in the Hip Strip in Missoula. I got the pants recently as well from TJ Maxx. A special thanks to the pond, the setting sun, and little Hazel for making these photos possible ;). 

sloppy smooch


Upper Park

Here is a little flashback to a day in the sun and water with my friend Acacia and her puppy. Upper Park is the upper half of Bidwell Park that runs through Chico and up into the hills. It frames a creek that travels through town. Lower Park is lush and green with a tight-knit canopy that keeps the vines and moss green below. Upper Park on the other hand has dry, rustling blonde grass and a canyon of lava rocks where the creek runs through. The water was still pretty cold - it warms up in July - but we managed to swim upstream a bit and have a little picnic and sunbath on a little rock ledge. I've taken so many photos this month that it's hard to find time to upload them all! I love this 'problem'!

