
I made it back to Jersey. Esther and I ended up having flights that got in at the exact same time so I got a ride home with her. We are about to get in our pajamas and watch Sex and the City. Tomorrow we are going to take the train into New York for some sunny day exploring … finally! Have a good night!


Eu voltei para Jersey. Esther e eu acabamos tendo vôos que chegaram ao mesmo tempo, então eu fui para casa com ela. Estamos prestes a entrar em nosso pijama e assistir Sex and the City. Amanhã nós vamos levar o trem em Nova Iorque durante algum dia ensolarado que explora… finalmente! Tenha uma boa noite!



July 4th

My friend Alli came all the way from North Hollywood to spend the fourth with me in Long Beach. We were originally going to head down to Laguna Beach, which is where she grew up, but her mom had house guests and there wasn't going to be room for us. Instead she came to me and it was so nice. She said she hadn't been to Long Beach since she was seven and didn't have good memories so she was pleasantly surprised. The day got off to a great start when she magically found a parking spot right in front of my apartment. Then we headed down to the beach where we walked, talked, and of course, people-watched. All that sunshine got us scheming about dinner and we ended up going to Saint & Second which was so delicious! The cocktails too! After that we headed back to my place and opened a bottle of wine and watched some of the fireworks on the roof before heading down to the beach again to dance around in the sand and see them a little closer. Such a nice day ... 




Photo Mar 19, 4 53 08 PM.jpg

I hope you all had a nice weekend. I just wrapped up mine with a steaming hot, candle-lit bath and I'm feeling particularly pampered. This last week my friend Hannah came to spend the day with me. We first met during my year in Rio de Janeiro and she currently lives in San Francisco. The last time I was up there to go to the Solange concert with my friend Christina we didn't get to see each other, so I'm so glad it worked out this time around! We walked seven miles along the beach together just catching up and soaking in the rare warm day. It's always so nice to catch up with old friends! Thanks for a lovely visit Miss Hannah! 


Valentine's Day

Top - Express | Shorts - Thrifted | Over-the-Knee Boots - Free People | Jacket - Thrifted

Photos by KDotPhotography 

Happy belated V-day you filthy animals! I know that a lot of people find this day cheesy af ... I'm one of them ... but at the same time, who cares?! Let's just all be cheese-balls and be down for a day that promotes showing appreciation for the ones you love! You don't have to do it with even one gift, just spend that time :). I had a lovely little evening in Hyland Park (first time there) going to an M. Ward show that gave me tingles at one point. It's fun to get a little dressed up and go be moved by some music. 

I hope you had a wonderful day then and are having a wonderful day now. 

Cheers to happy holidays that don't preside in December. 




Jacket - Vintage Armani | Jeans - Burlington | Booties - Free People 

My internet is up and running! I was planning on spending the day outside but it has turned into a very lounge-y day instead. It's still only 2 pm so there's still time ;). Its so nice to just relax at home though. The weather has gotten a bit cooler this week and the breeze that comes in through the window has me in a sweatshirt and slippers right now. There are palm trees outside my window, rustling and swaying in the gentle wind. I feel like I'd rather bundle up than close the window. I want to feel like I'm in the canopy. 

